1. IIT Madras to offer courses that addresses the current issues

  • Quality sports science education is missing
  • Also absence of quality courses for athletes, coaches, referees, analysts, sports medicine, sports tech owners, sports federations, sports production cos and potential opportunity for IITM CESSA and its collaborators to offer compelling content and courses on Swayam/NPTEL+
  • Existing course lacks practical application
  • No structured course in the area of sports analytics.
  • Course curriculum does not incorporate international best practices
  • Courses lack industry linkages with start ups or established players in sports tech currently

2. IIT Madras evaluating :

  • Launching digital sports content program for stakeholders as above
  • Starting a 4 year Bachelor of Sports Science Courses
  • Starting a 2 year Master of Sports Science Course
  • Certificate courses in Sports management - digital
  • Sports Management course - Bachelors & Management

Dr. Pralay Majumdar, Senior Project Advisor

He worked on the NPTEL course content, suggesting the faculties of the 7 verticals offered by CESSA, IIT Madras in Jan 2024, with few more to be launched in Jan 2025. He is also working with the sports academic institutions in India.

Target Segment

IITM CESSA Unique Value

  • CERTIFICATION program covering 360 degree sports science domain
  • Introductory in nature
  • Focusing more on introducing concept and skill learning which can be incorporated in to action by coaches, physical trainers. Physical education personal as well as sports science human resources.
  • Not academic degree or qualification but more on to hands on skill or toll understanding , focusing mainly on practical concept rather than only theoretical learning.
  • More as vocational certification.